Stillness Within/
Emotional Resolution KC
-Deeper Connection and Relaxation
Heather Rutkowski, Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Services Available:
-Emotional Resolution Sessions
Emotional Resolution addresses and permanently clears emotional difficulties that are keeping you from living your full life. Do you suffer from a fear or phobia, feel overwhelmed, or feel like you deal with anxiety or anger on a regular basis? Everyday we deal with emotions and stress. Do you find yourself using techniques to cope, which calm your emotions, but when the triggers reappear, your stress is back? Emotional Resolution® (EmRes®) can help address and permanently resolved these blocks.
-Chakra Clearing/Rebalancing
Chakras are “Spinning Wheels” of energy that, when blocked, cause disruptions in our physical and mental wellness. Balancing chakras can help restore their natural flow of energy. Through intuitive healing, each chakra is worked on to clear stuck energy and restore the flow for each of the 7 main centers from the Root to the Crown.
-Qigong Energy Sessions
Sit for a relaxing session that helps to open the energy centers throughout your body to allow your Qi (“chi”) to flow.
Qi means "energy" and Gong means "to work with" so simply put Qigong means working with the body's energy.
Also Available:
-Energy/Intuitive Sessions -Reiki Sessions -Life Coaching/ Intuitive Coaching -Human Design Coaching
-Infrared Bio-Crystal Mat
-Add the warmth of laying on an Infrared Bio-Crystal Mat. -Enjoy the benefits of this mat during a Reiki, Energy, or Chakra Clearing Session. A Far-Infared Bio-Crystal mat can produce negative ions, which when heated, can aid in reducing stress, along with boosting the immune system and metabolism. Negative ions are abundant in forests, mountains, rivers, springs, and waterfalls. The infrared mat can create an environment rich in natural negative ions when you use it. It is filled with Amethyst, Red Agate, Turquoise, Clear Crystal, and Obsidian. Lying on this crystal mat filled with 5 color gemstones on the surface can also help energize and balance your chakras, and enhance the effectiveness of Reiki or Energy work.